Haomei aluminum > Haomei News > Reduce The Oil On The Aluminum Foil Strips

Reduce The Oil On The Aluminum Foil Strips

Writer:Admin   Time:

    Reduce the oil on the aluminum foil strips, you must understand the cause of oil pollution.

    Residue on the surface of the foil rolling oil and other oil, in the annealed foil is formed on the surface of the different levels of huang jie color spot called staining.

    The principal causes of oil spot: cat degrees high aluminum foil rolling oil, rolling oil distillation range or is not appropriate;Permeability of aluminum foil rolling oil machine oil;Improper annealing technology;Product surface with the process of rolling oil amount is too large;Cutting and the tension is too large, resulting in the aluminum foil volume too tight.

    This kind of oil will bring great damage to the surface of aluminum foil:

    First, because most of the finished aluminum products as decoration or packaging materials, must have a clean surface;

    Second, its thickness is thin, easy to form a bubble in the subsequent annealing, and Due to the excessive amount of oil in the formation of excessive residue

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